About UsThe story of Copper Guardian really began over twenty-five years ago at my childcare centre. No matter how careful staff were in following government directives for cleaning and sanitising, inevitably during the winter months colds, sniffly noses, coughs and sneezes abounded. In more recent times, I reflected on how a reduction in illness could be effectively achieved within not only a childcare setting but also in many other environments by the personal use of antimicrobial copper. | ![]() |
Even some of the earliest civilisations going back to the time of Ancient Greece and Egypt knew of the healing power of copper and its ability to purify drinking water and assist in the healing of wounds. The peer-reviewed scientific literature I researched, led me to this next chapter of Copper Guardian
Clinical trials prove that antimicrobial copper kills deadly pathogens on touch surfaces and has reduced hospital infection rates significantly. We all know how cold and flu affects the nose. Evidence also referred to copper that when touched to the inner nostril, the germ-killing ability of copper appeared to prevent a cold developing. Nobody likes to suffer a cold. Just think of all the benefits if a cold can be avoided!
Encouraged by Dr. Cameron L. Jones, who is a practising microbiologist, I decided to have an antimicrobial copper wand designed by a medical and surgical instruments specialist.
Copper Guardian Antimicrobial Wand is the result - it’s a nasal wand with other uses, a natural hand sanitiser, and a shaped end for fingernail hygiene – Easy to carry and without a use-by date. Proudly designed in Australia, Copper Guardian is certified 99.99% pure copper, a proven and tested material that is naturally toxic to viruses, bacteria and fungi.
I hope you will experience the continual health benefits of Copper Guardian. Don't forget to read my blog!
Happy, Healthy Wellness from Elisabeth